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Author J. Michael Brown          
J. Michael Brown, Webmaster:
eMoney101.com                     &

January 10, 2011

How to Stop Eye Diseases
That Affect Aging People

How an Aging Man Stopped Presbyopia Eye Disease

This expose’ talks about how to stop some eye diseases. An aging man was able to stop an eye disease that, up until now, has always affected aging people.

The man was able to stop presbyopia by using a fantastic new invention. It’s a product that’s made with over-the-counter liquids, which might help aging people avoid eye diseases related to getting older.

Aging people may soon be able to stop eye diseases, which are related to getting older, with a revolutionary and exciting new product. This commentary has a true story about how an aging man stopped presbyopia, which is called the 'short arm' eye disease; and, by all accounts of medical professionals, it cannot be avoided by aging people.

But an aging man stopped it dead in it's tracks, and he’s avoided the eye disease for over 10 years.

Presbyopia and macular degeneration (MD) are eye diseases that affect aging people; and MD is recognized by all medical professionals as the leading cause of adult blindness. However, those diseases have not only been delayed in an aging man; they've been stopped altogether.

Presbyopia is also known as the “short arm disease” because people think their arms get too short to be able to read small print, like that which is found in your daily newspaper, as they get older. Macular degeneration is the leading cause of adult blindness.

The Medical Dictionary definition for the eye disease presbyopia is that it's "changes in vision due to aging [that] usually start when people are in their early 40s and continues for several decades," and the dictionary adds that “there is no way known that anyone” can avoid getting the eye disease presbyopia; but all of that could change because of an exciting new invention.

Here's how an aging man was able to stop presbyopia.

A 46 year-old man was involved in an accident while he was living in Ruidoso, New Mexico in 1999. He swerved, while riding his bicycle, to avoid crashing into a car that ran a red light. He lost his balance, and then slid face-first into the pavement.

As a result of the accident; he developed a big, ugly blood clot in his right eye along with a horrendous abrasion on the right side of his face.

Knowing that a blood clot in your eye might last for what could seem like an eternity; he used an over-the-counter substance, which he thought might help it clear up. So he sprayed his face, to prevent scarring; and he sprayed his eyes, concentrating the spray more on his right eye in hopes that he might alleviate the hideous blood clot.

It worked. The blood clot disappeared after a few weeks, and he didn't develop a scar on his face.

But then, about 6 months later; he noticed seeing what he described as 'halos' around floodlights while looking with his left eye, when he covered his right eye. But such was not the case the other way around.

The man was afraid that he might have an eye disease, like glaucoma, in his left eye. So he went the optometrist who had given him a prescription for eyeglasses, about two year earlier, to help him see well enough to drive a semi-truck.

The optometrist was puzzled because eyesight in the aging man's left eye had predictably gotten worse; but vision in his right eye was "about the same," according to the eye doctor.

The optometrist said that the aging man didn't have glaucoma. The eye doctor informed the aging man that vision naturally gets worse for all people over time; and that there was no way to avoid it. But he couldn't explain why the man's left eyesight was worse in visual capabilities than that of his right eye, because it's so unusual for eyesight to degenerate in only one eye.

The man left Ruidoso, and moved to Amarillo, Texas; where he became a volunteer for a non-profit corporation.

After about a year's time of his visit with the optometrist in New Mexico, the difference in the vision between his eyes increased. He stopped driving altogether, to avoid the possibility of having an accident, because the variation in visual acuity between his eyes made it dangerous to drive.

The only thing he'd done differently was spray more of an over-the-counter homeopathic liquid in his right eye, in hopes of making an ugly blood clot disappear.

In desperation, the aging man decided to concentrate spraying the homeopathic solution more on his left eye. He sprayed and sprayed his left eye resolutely with the liquid, but it didn't help. He could not make his left eye 'catch up,' in vision capability, with that of his right eye.

After about two years of his visit with the optometrist in Ruidoso; the aging man could not see normally when he first arose in the morning time because his eyes wouldn't focus together. It was painful for him to keep his eyes open, so he'd peek through his eyelids until his brain could adjust to the anomaly.

He'd close his eyes, shake his head; and then try to focus. In effect, he had 'morning blindness' because he couldn't see upon awaking from sleep. He had to keep his eyes closed, until his brain could acclimate to the lack of equality in visual acuity.

He decided the only option to help him see without pain was to get an eye-patch for his left eye. However, before he did that; he volunteered for an experiment that his church conducted on his behalf.

The man began a schedule of putting eye-drops into his eyes, which the inventor; who is a member of the church, believed would help solve his vision problem.

He put his faith in the good LORD, and in that of modern science; and by the grace of God, he was able to stop presbyopia.
Blind Bartimaeus called out to the LORD; when Jesus was on his way through Jericho to bear the sins of the world on the cross, "Son of David, have mercy on me... If I could just have my vision, I'd be happy."

Jesus said to him, "
Receive your sight; your faith has healed you."

Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus, praising God. When all the people saw it, they also praised God. (Luke 18:35-43)
The aging man put a few drops of the solution into his eyes, with the help of an eyedropper, mornings and evenings; as well as a few times throughout the daytime. But he put more than twice as much of it in his left eye than he put into his right eye.

The volunteer reported that, one day shortly after beginning the regimen; while he was cleaning his house, he briefly was afflicted by double vision.

What it comes down to is this; the aging man’s brain had to fundamentally adjust and realign its visual map in order to get used to the newly improved vision of the left eye due to preservation of elasticity in the lens that had been degenerating, and the aging man's brain had to re-coordinate its visual map in order to accommodate for better vision that had indeed returned to his left eye.

In a nutshell; not only was he able to stop the eye disease presbyopia in it’s tracks, but his vision improved. Here’s the rest of this astonishing story.

The volunteer said he could clearly see at 20/20 level, when he passed the vision test in 2008 for his Commercial Driver's License (CDL); after beginning the routine with a new, fantastic product.

Not withstanding the fact that his left eye is slightly far-sighted and his right eye is slightly near-sighted, since his right eye’s lens had sufficient interference due to the less powerful but adequate substance to preserve its suppleness before it could stiffen and therefore become less lucid, the aging man's eyes work together marvelously.

The aging man reports feeling luckier than most people, and he believes that his improved eyesight is truly a miracle.

He talks about great pleasure he gets being able to clearly see leaves on the trees, and not just green blobs; and he says it's a tremendous joy to be able to easily read road signs without the eyeglasses that he once needed, so he isn't afflicted by myopia either.

He says that he loves to read literature in small print, like the daily newspaper, with naked eyes. So, in essence, he was able to stop presbyopia due to aging, which starts after people turn 40 and continue for several decades. The man is now approaching sixty--that's 6-0, SIXTY--years of age; but, so far, he has stopped presbyopia because of a fantastic new invention.

He can see very well from a distance too, as verified by his Class A CDL eye exams. He no longer needs bifocal eyeglasses, which he once needed, to help him see. The eyeglasses that he once needed, for which he paid good money, in order to safely drive a semi-truck when he lived in Ruidoso; now make things look blurry to him.

It's not mitigation because that's not how it works, it doesn't cure or prevent any disease; the invention simply preserves elasticity in the lenses of the eyeball, and that’s how to stop presbyopia.

The invention is made with two solutions, both of which countless people have applied to their eyes. Not only that; but the foundation of stopping presbyopia and MD is faith. Yes. It’s religious in nature. People need only to have enough faith to use it, or else it won’t work. Period.

People don’t have to have faith in Christ. People don’t even have to have faith that there is a God in heaven, or gods on Mount Olympus. People only need to have enough faith to believe that it has helped somebody stop presbyopia, thereby possibly avoiding MD, and that it could work for them too.

The null hypothesis of the pilot research endeavor was that nothing would help the man reverse his vision loss. The alternative hypothesis was that the liquid invention would help the elasticity to return in the aging man’s left eye lens simply by applying the solution to the impaired lens in his left eyeball with an eyedropper; and that the eyesight in his left eye would indeed improve, and therefore the eyesight in both of his eyes would equalize and his 'morning blindness' would be alleviated.

The null hypothesis was rejected and the null hypothesis was accepted. The weakness of the study is that only one individual participated in it, so further research is required in order to establish statistical significance.

But, since the theory was proven in a small sample; the logical extension is that eyesight of aging people might be preserved if the lenses in the eyeballs of other aging people can remain, or become, more pliant.

There is a disticnt possibility that vision in other aging people can, and will therefore become or stay more lucid than it would otherwise be without using the fantastic new invention.

The amazing new solution might help innumerable people stop the eye disease presbyopia; and it might even stop MD, IF aging people are able to preserve the elasticity of the lenses in their eyes before macular degeneration takes it toll.

Help The Blind

Testing revealed that it's best to start the regimen before vision becomes impaired, but the results also indicate that pliability of the lens can return because vision was restored in at least one preson. More testing in recommended.

The null hypothesis of a new study will be that it's not possible improve eyesight. The alternative hypothesis will be that it is possible to save, and to restore eyesight. The level of significance will be set at .001, which is a standard level when testing drugs.

Make no mistake about it, the fantastic new product is not a drug; and the scientific study will be testing faith rather than the medium of faith.

Logically, it would be too late to improve a blind person's eyesight if neurons in the fovea of the macula have already degenerated. But then, again, the focus of this rendering is the concept of faith, so anything is possible.

"...IF you have faith as a mustard seed…nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20
The mustard seed, of which Jesus of Nazareth spoke, is a particular variety. The seed is so small that it’s almost microscopic. The mustard farmer must water and fertilize it for 7 long years, and nothing happens on the surface of the land; but the roots of the plant are growing.

Then, on the eighth year; the plant shoots up so fast that a person can almost see it grow with the naked eye; and it becomes one of the largest plants known to mankind.

Whether or not applying the wonderful new invention to the eyes of aging people in the form of eye drops, coupled with faith, would reverse macular degeneration is a wonderful opportunity for future research.

It's been a 10-year span since the onset of presbyopia in the aging man, who was able to not only stop it; but the results of the pilot research venture indicate that he reversed his loss of vision in both eyes.

Faith Can Stop Blindenss

Stephen Lower, a retired faculty member of Simon Fraser University in the Department of Chemistry at Vancouver, Canada said that altered water may very likely make you feel better because of faith. (http://www.chem1.com)

He said “if you ‘believe’ that something might help, it may well do so...” He went on to say that the more money a person pays for something, the more faith that person would have in the substance.

But, is faith and money really correlated? It will be interesting to see, in an independent study, whether or not receiving this fantastic product for FREE could significantly stop--or even reverse--blindness; without money as a factor.

The logical conclusion, which can be deducted from the research endeavor discussed in this piece, is that the fantastic new product needs more research as soon as possible because; coupled with faith, it might indeed stop (or even reverse) blindess in a significant amount of people.

Copyright of J. Michael Brown; January 10, 2011.

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Preliminary tests indicate that it might be a prophylactic means to combat diabetes and other diseases, which are associated with the aging process.


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* The New Silver Solution is currently undergoing scientific evaluation in order to be included in a future release of the physician’s Desk Reference (PDR). Preliminary tests indicate that it might be a prophylactic device against malaria, AIDS, gonorrhea, MRSA; as well as many other diseases associated with bacterial and viral infections. More testing is indicated in order for it to be declared a statistical certainty as such.


* The New Silver Solution was awarded Product and Use Patent # 7,135,195. It is the only patented nano size particle and it is a unique Form Patent used against viral, bacterial, and other diseases, as described in the American Biotech Labs' Silver Solution Test and Information Summary.


American Biotech Labs’ (ABL) silver product is a unique silver product proven so effective in killing bacteria that it was granted acceptance by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on two different methods as surface disinfectants. The approvals permit the products to be utilized as a commercial, industrial, as well as a residential disinfectant.


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may approve The New Silver Solution Gel product, at 24 ppm; which is designed for burn and wound care, both for prescription and over-the-counter usage.


Human studies from four different hospitals, as of April 2008, had 124 studies about it. The studies, designed to test oral use of an ABL product (The New Silver Solution, but at only 10 ppm), treated 18 diverse human diseases and ailments.


There were no failures in those studies, which were recorded by the physicians or by their aids. Virtually every patient was judged to have experienced a full recovery in less than one week of the beginning of treatment.


The studies in 4 hospitals include disorders, including:


* Upper respiratory tract infections,

* Ear infections,

* Eye infections,

* Sore throats,

* Urinary tract infections,

* Vaginal yeast infections,

* Abdominal pain and diarrhea,

* Bronchitis,

* Pelvic inflammatory disease,

* External cuts,

* Gonorrhea,

* Various mouth problems,

* Retro viral infections,

* Malaria,

* And other diseases, which were not mentioned in the ‘Silver Solution Test and Information Summary.’


The test design outlined the problem, which was undergoing examination, and it explained the amount of the ABL product, at10 ppm, was used; and they made notes about how often it was used.


Physicians and their aids recorded it, when they noticed 2 signs of recovery as well as when their patients were judged as being fully recovered by physicians. The doctor’s notes were also included in the report.


Incidentally, results of The New Silver Solution product-testing was determined to be so effective that the West African country of Ghana approved it as an alternative-drug to antibiotics.


Disclaimer: The total content of this report is based on research conducted by Webmaster & author, J. Michael Brown--unless otherwise denoted. The Webmaster & author offers all information herein only for educational purposes.


Information herein is not intended to prescribe, diagnose or treat psychological or medical conditions; nor does the Webmaster & author claim that anything associated with this Website will mitigate, prevent, treat, or cure any condition.


This Website, and the publisher of it, have made no attempt to recommend any specific product as treatment of any disease until after diligent research is made by scientists, relating to any products described herein; and upon approval of the product or products submitted by the FDA.


Again, presentation of information herein is not an attempt to provide diagnosis, treatment, care, nor rehabilitation of individuals. Information herein is merely a presentation of records, which were discovered on the Internet and other sources, as an educational endeavor.


Information herein is not an attempt to apply medical or mental health standards; nor is it an effort to influence human developmental principles. The information herein is not an attempt to diagnose or treat disease. 


Information herein is not a pretext for prescribing supplements as mitigation to disease; nor is it an attempt to diagnosis or to treat any human physical condition, disease, pain, deformity, or injury.


Information contained herein does not replace a one-on-one examination with qualified health care professional or a medical doctor. 


With the above statements in mind, the reader should now be aware that any and all information on this Website is intended purely for educational purposes; and it is not meant as medical advice, but rather it is a sharing of information and knowledge from experience by the Webmaster through scientific research.


The Webmaster & author, including the publisher of this Website; encourage everybody who reads the information herein should make very careful health care decisions, which are based on research, and those decisions should be made in partnership with qualified health care professionals and their aids.


* The Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated these statements. Information included on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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"Sleep Better at Night"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
37. eMoney101
"Build-Up Self-Esteem"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
38. eMoney101
"Lose Weight Tips"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
39. eMoney101
"Leadership Behavior Tips"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
40. eMoney101
"Reduce Anxiety Tips"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
41. eMoney101
"Develop Self-Esteem & Be a Hit"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
42. eMoney101
"Reasons to Give Up Smoking"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
43. eMoney101
"Job Safety Tips"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
44. eMoney101
"Hawaiian Islands' Controversy"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
45. eMoney101
"Financial Trading "
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
46. eMoney101
"Lose Weight Fast"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
47. eMoney101
"World Religions"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
48. eMoney101
"The Cross Set Afire"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
49. eMoney101
"Make Money Online"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
50. eMoney101
"What Women Want"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
51. eMoney101
"Women & Anxiety"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
52. eMoney101
"Attract Women with Esteem"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
53. eMoney101
"Become a Chick Magnet"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
54. eMoney101
"Tips to Attract Chicks"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
55. eMoney101
"Dating Women"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
56. eMoney101
"Dating Women Successfully"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
57. eMoney101
"Dating Success with Women"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
58. eMoney101
"Take Action With Women"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
59. eMoney101
"Women Want Confidence"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
60. eMoney101
"Tips to Break the Ice"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
61. eMoney101
"Earn Cash Fast"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
62. eMoney101
"Reel It In"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
63. eMoney101
"Get Paid For Leadership"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
64. eMoney101
"Kidney Transplant Patients"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
65. eMoney101
"Clean Air & Long Life"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
66. eMoney101
"Beat Eye Disease"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army
67. eMoney101
"Help Prevent Eye Disease"
eMoney101 J. Michael Brown The Faith Army

Updated Saturday, June 24, 2016.